Friday, January 15, 2021

Postage Stamp Tag

Above Finished Tags Front

Inspired by a tag I viewed on Pinterest. 

Below Tag Backs
As well as having recently sorted my collection of Stamps. They really are tiny bits of art all on their own. 
Don't worry, I have more. These are just a quick pull in color sorted 'Heads' for this tag. They were fun to make. I want to do more. With different themes....Flowers, Animals, Architecture, Scenery.
Here is the basic walk through for this process:
This is what I gathered to  use. Those are a standard Tag from an Office Depot type store. Makes a good sturdy base. Vintage Music sheets, or possibly Antique they are 75 years old.

~ Choose a minimum of 6 postage stamps
{I like real stamps, vintage or current all canceled or used}
~ make a decorative background for your tag {front and back must be pretty so no blank backs make sure and sign your piece on the back}
The background can be as fancy as you like, just not a blank background.
When choosing your paper, or fabric for your tags, keep in mind your color pallet.
~ Find a scrap of lace to decorate the top
Photo shows clear pockets as approximately 1/2 inch deep
~cut strips of sturdy plastic to house your tags, place them in 3 spaced layers over the top of your tag 
~Stitch as shown in photo to make open top pockets

I work assembly line fashion. Just as easy to do several at once.
Sew each clear layer along the bottom edge, then around your entire tag outside to secure the lace bit to top as well
~ Slip your postage stamps into the 3 pockets  2 on each layer or more if you wish.
~ You can decorate and embellish as you go along. 

Challenge noted and accepted Pinterest Pinner....


Cindy C. said...

You're absolutely right, each postage stamp is tiny piece of art itself. I have a collection myself and I often wonder what would happen to them in the future. Well your post may have given my stamps collection a second life!!

ginag said...

Great tutorial, Pam. Love how you do them all in order. You are so organized! I have loved going through my stamps and starting with a plan to put them all together!