Friday, November 13, 2020

Double 'C'word

'Christmas Cards' that is

Another set of cards. This was an interesting experiment for me.
All of the cards are done with bits from the scrap heap. Do I sound sentimental about  the cards see? {1 answer below}
Except the Bo Bunny Christmas which was the cut apart sheet.
These took me days, and then weeks to complete. {1}Answer is; not sentimental. Pretty sure card making is not in my wheelhouse. But now, I can say. I did give this a serious try. 

1 comment:

Cindy C. said...

Cool vintagle looking cards! It is always nice to use up some bits of scraps. I have a hard time parting with my scraps, so I try to use them as much as possible too. Thanks for the funny, I literally laughed out loud!!