Monday, September 24, 2018


This was my first attempt at 'Snippet's'.
"Snippets are:
  Bits  of fabric. lace, buttons, charms, paper and such in
strip. Highly detailed, decorated both sides.
Just sewn in layers random or planned, messy .
 Typically mounted to an old wooden spool."
White and Creme

they are double sided crème-brown / whites/silver
 The tiny button tags signature
 Tried one side in whites
This is it rolled up 

 The purple was the trial run
this one just kept getting larger and larger
 I added in more bits as I found them
The glaring white was brought down with a shade of purple ink. It was just too contrasting.
I would try this again. I think I might simplify future snippets. Would keep them to lighter tones. The purple is actually made with a friend who 'LOVES 'purple in mind. I will be sending it to her.

This is the Pinterest Board that was my inspiration.

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