Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Playhouse Progress:

Armed with water a snack and my imagination.
I set off to spend my day
'fixing the wee house'.
Progress List in no particular order looks like this:

1.}Window openings cleaned,
   caulked and repaired as needed
2.}Will order glass soon
    - done, should send the $160 bill to my brother!!
3.}Wood Pecker holes caulked
4.}Outside corner trim redone as needed- done
5.}Waiting for rain to quit......still waiting
6.}Install windows, figure out how to have one of the small ones open
7.}All paint is now purchased- and the inside stuff was on clearance too
8.}Get caulking done, start painting....well as soon as the rain stops
     back to #5....
9.}Do some stone work -one stone done
    this frees up some $$$$ for more reno
10.}Load up truck with construction garbage
11.}Do a layout of the big move -Done

PS- Previous posts about this HERE and HERE
remember to leave a comment to be entered for the
"I'm finished RAK"


Jessi Fogan said...

I love that you're scrapbooking it too!
As for your to-do list...torrential downpour certainly puts a damper (ha, ha, ha) on getting work done! Hard to paint with that kind of humidity. We had heavy rains for a lot of the last week - and the humidity hasn't dropped below 90% yet. Ew.

TwinkleToes2day said...

So lovely to see/hear about each little progress made on this wee housey. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that the rain stops soon. The better the weather, the more you can do and so, the more I get to read about it. Win/Win ;)
Happy Wednesday :0)

Ava Gavloski said...

So cute to watch this development, a mini house is so much fun and creative really off the page designing here... layout is great and how much fun is this to document the adventure.

Patricia said...

this double layout is very beautiful...

Jingle said...

Wonderful page!

Deb said...

Wishful thinking waiting for the rain to quit - #5 - it's supposed to be better in July. We can always hope, cant't we. LOL