Friday, May 15, 2015


 It's time for all the Gypsy hearted to jump in the camper and go!
 Sizzix has a new die that is just perfect
for camping. Instead of the chipboard cut out, I used
poker chips for wheels. Just secure inside with a hot
glue gun before you decorate
I used white glue to secure the  pieces together.
If I do it again. I will use a hot glue gun.
Note I had to adjust the pattern a bit as I
 used a light weight cardboard.
 If you use chipboard you will not have to adjust,
 only assemble the pieces. .
 I used scraps for this project
It needed a little Gypsy banner on the back.
Add some silver yarn to the seams, jewels for lights
Use your imagination, add an awning. 
I ran some metallic paper through
the cuttle bug to give it a bit of texture

 Highlighted the screw ends with a dark marker
I replaced the original chipboard hitch cutout with
the ends from cheap foam brushes. Note the circle
placement marks on the front of the camper. I used
the end of a regular pin to secure the 'ball' to the arms.
These are from Prima sold as door knobs.
 Clip the closure end off of your pin.
Double back the ends with a pair of pliers leaving
them slightly larger than the opening. Push them into the
opening where the foam brush formerly was. 
 Cover all pieces with embossing fluid, I used a
silver to replicate that old chrome look.
NOTE: The metal ball holds the heat so set it
aside to cool down before handling.
Carefully score the hole with a blade in X or* fashion.
Test gently till the ends of your hitch poles
will slide inside with just a bit of resistance.
Have fun. This Retro Camper / Gypsy Caravan
is a fun project. You could use a simpler version
for party favors or ramp it up for the kids to play with.
a fantastic kids party craft.
Just pre assemble the shell and have them decorate
With  a selection of precut fun papers 

1 comment:

Cindy C. said...

Fun project indeed! Thanks for sharing Pam!