I didn't have anything planned for today, so I thought I would share a simple fun thing I did for Fathers Day. It didn't make the first cut. But, I am sure you can take the idea and apply it to your own ideas, a man LO or a card. Please note the photos will be of a different project, but, the method is the same.

1.} Assemble your choice of precut pattern peel off, glitter in several colors, wide double sided tape.
Start with a good sturdy piece of white card stock, cut to the size you want to work with.
2.} Cover the entire background area with wide double sided tape working left to right.
Remove the protective backing from tape.
NOTE: save the protective piece's, we will be using them.

3.} Next carefully remove peel off stencil of your choice and position it where you want it on your
background. Be sure to leave all the little pieces in place {this will be the last part we work on}

If you are having trouble smoothing into the tape, use a piece of the backing
over the top of the stencil and tape.
4.} Take your tape parts and tear them horizontally to form the back ground. Start at the top of the
piece and lay the jagged edge facing down, layer the rest to the bottom slightly overlapping
each piece.

I marked the W to indicate the white or silver areas that have to be glittered
last. You should leave all the lightest glitter till the end to stop transfer
of the darker shades to lighter areas.
NOTE: For the sun/moon effect, I made sure and rounded the tape over that area
5.} Start with your darkest color, in this case, the bottom of the piece. Position your first protective
edge to just touch the bottom of your design. Use your darkest 'brown' glitter to cover the exposed tape
rubbing in firmly to completely cover the ground part. Gently shake excess off the bottom.

I wanted to outline the moon with a thin layer of red,so I gently moved
the tape back to allow a line of red glitter. Then as below I added the
layers of black, grey, purple

I was feeling adventurous, so I layered and continued to layer
leaving the moon behind the witch and the silver cloud protective
tape on till the very last glitter. I took the loaded piece to the garbage can
and quickly flipped it so the glitter would fall into the can and not on the
areas that needed to be light.
6.} Continue glittering in this way, varying your colors till the entire background is done.

If you love to glitter my one huge tip is for you to buy
a 'GLITTER CLOTH' They last a very long time and you can
see from the photo how great it picks up the residual glitter .
7.} Study your stencil piece, gently remove the portions you want to glitter and apply the glitter.
NOTE: For the motorcycle I went with a straight silver, you could mix the colors. Just be sure to
plan before you remove the protected areas. For the witch it was just the moon area.

Here is the finished sample. Give it a whirl, you will love it !!
If you don't have a peel off on hand, you can experiment by
punching pieces of the protective backing in different shapes and then
using them as your temporary stick on pieces to glitter around.
I would like to take a moment to say that even though I continue to post. My thoughts and prayers are with the residents of Calgary and surrounding area that have been devastated by the floods.
Suggested Supplies:
Scor Pal Double Sided Tape 1-1/2" or larger
Hot off the Press Dazzles Peel Off
Glitter Clean Up Cloth- this is a must have item for working with glitter
This is the Elizabeth Craft Design Sticker sheet I used

OMG, Pam - these are so incredibly amazing!! The motorcycle is fabulous, but that sky- swoon :)
These are spectacular Pam - those sparkly backgrounds are fantastic. Gotta get me some more colours of glitter...
Hugs, Dawn
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