Friday, October 16, 2020

Halloween Traders

Over the edge ATC. must have
 items over the edge. 
The spider web was actually a muffin topper . Cut apart then run through the Xyron machine. Once it was in sticker form, I attached it to the top of the card. Then sprinkled black shimmer, this added some sparkly interest and took care 
of all the excess sticky parts. 
The witch may or may not have been
 into the pumpkin XXXspice!!
Below swap is for a 4 x 4 card. 
Taking an established
 Halloween icon and turning 
it into something
 unexpected. What do you see? I will tell you what it was below
Above spritz, spray and fussy cut 
stamped images
Emboss tomb stone background bits,
hand colored
It needed more, so I applied an edged mylar overlay as well as a word. 
The altered item was a stylized emboss fancy Bat stamp.
Then I emboss a black mask and fussy cut it. Adding eyes behind.
Now it looks like an Owl. Fun stuff.

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