Monday, June 3, 2013

My Magpie Eye with 7 Gypsies

My DH's Mom brought me a display case while ago
She knew it would be right up my alley
I love to alter things, soon it will be filled with all the bits and shiny or rusty things that just follow me home
To read all about this with a supply list visit
'Showcase Monday' TODAY 


Dawn said...

Wow! What a transformation! Most impressive; these bigger altered projects always intimidate me, but you've nailed it. I'd love to see a photo of it all filled up - you've collected some neat stuff for it so far.

Hugs, Dawn

Jessi Fogan said...

Your MIL is the best! That is too awesome! (And is that a flattened penny I spy? LOVE IT!)

2amscrapper said...

wonderful project!

Rita Barakat said...

I LOVE " ths! Dont you love when people "get you" and bring you cool stuff to work with!