Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Santanna Gabrielle Aurora
Born July 20, 1995
Where has that tiny baby with all the hair gone?
I cannot fathom that 16 years have passed
since I first held you in my arms.
You were in a hurry to get here, so it shouldn't
surprise me that you have grown into a
beautiful young lady so quickly.
Always full of mischief and light

P.S. I am so happy the fairies left you in the willows
for your Dad and I to find.
{You know I have the photos to prove this}
These are the years of watching you turn into
the strong confident woman you will be.
Let your light shine sweet Gabby
We couldn't be more proud of you.
We love you always and best
 Mom and Dad


Wendy Aspinall said...

Wonderful post... time passes so mintute they are babes in arms next they are flying away..happy sixteenth to your daughter, may all her wishes come true... hugs wendy

Unknown said...

Happy Happy Birthday Girl! Be young...have fun!! You are a beautiful young lady. *smiles* Norma

Micupoftea said...

You must have blinked, eh? That is all it takes and....voila! Our babies are all grown up! dd turned 18 on her last birthday and I am still in shock! Hope your 'baby' had a great day :)

Rita Barakat said...

Happy birthday to Gabby and to you too - I always think someone should celebrate us moms on birthdays too!! What a gorgeous young lady! Reminds me of my girl - heels in the hand and flip flops on the feet! LOL! Hope you all had a wonderful day!

Renee said...

She's beautiful. happy birthday to her.

My daughter just turned 35 and I still can't figure out how that happened.