Friday, June 24, 2011


 I have always had a special place in my
heart for the tiny forest folk known as Faery

My earliest memories are of searching always
on the moss side of trees for a sign.
They will build their magical homes beneath
the shade of the oldest trees,
 where the sweet scent of forest leaf and mist collide. 
I searched faithfully under rocks and
toad stools to find a bit of fairy dust left behind when
a gossamer wing happened to brush the moss.
My eyes were sharper then and I did glimpse my fair
share of Fae Folk. With all the earnest truth of
a child's fairy tale dreams.
 I would sit very still for hours
quietly weaving chains of dandelions and
dreaming of the fairy's......

This is a slip from the ancient forests of Redwood
It thrives in my kitchen window.....and waits.....

If you are a person who seeks the fairy, you
will have probably noticed certain children have the
faery aura about them. This is difficult for most to see,
but if you concentrate you can see them for who they are....
the spirit of fairy strong within these little people....

They do grow up, but they still have that glow
These jars sit in my work room, please note
'no fairy folk were harmed' in their making.

My Blog is named for the Fae

These figurine's sit through all the seasons in
my garden to let the folk know they are welcome here

Lady Cottington had the first 'real' photos
What a lucky little girl was she....

So, carry on my Fairy Friends....
the search will never end.....
I hope to meet you one day in the enchanted land



Wendy Aspinall said...

happy faerie day....wonderfully magcial post... hugs wendy

Kerrie said...

I just love your blog!! I am now following. Thank you so much for visiting me from where the Geese are from-Ha! I hope you will visit often, Hugs from the South, Kerrie

Jorgelina said...

Wonderful post!
I believe in fairies ... I think ... I think ...
Thanks for participating.

Marfi-topia said...

thank you for flying by my blog!
this was magical!!!

Micupoftea said...

Happy Fairy Day...the photos of your fairy friends are sweet! You are invited to visit my Tea party today, June 25....there is a fairy or two attending!

vivi said...

hi!! sorry fornot coming yesterday
I finished over 11pm last night, visiting some of the blogs and was really tired
your post is really magical
thanks for your nice comment

Rita Barakat said...

I love this! Such a magical post!!

☼ Carolina ☼ said...

very nice post!!
from Chile

Anonymous said...

happy fairy day

my dearest


el rinconcito de zivi said...

very beautiful :-)

Something Special said...

I love your blog and those Fairy bottles are to die for. Thanks for commenting on my blog and be sure to be watching out for the swap and the giveaway to be announced soon, over at Something Special.

K J D said...

Magical post :)

I love your fairy folk jars - so cute.

ps Hope you enjoy the Game of Throne books.... I loved the series (and Sean Bean especially!)