
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

That Box of Old Wax Crayons.....

The Edge
Do you remember your very first 
box of 'wax crayons' ?
'These are new, I bought them for this project
I was shocked and chagrined to find no 'blue'
The encaustic Fairy's are the wrappers on this set.

I remember with a nostalgic clarity
~First was the box, very basic,
yellowish orange with green writing. 
I come from a time
 before they were displayed in full 
digital photo color on the packaging.
It was a heavy cardboard and felt like wax.
 I opened it up with a certain reverence,
careful not to tear the tabs, 
so I could close it again.
My senses were greeted with a strategically
arranged rainbow of color. 
~Next the smell, slightly candle, 
 with a hint of stuffy library and old paraffin. 
 It was instant music to my muse...... 
I suppose that is why I had such
 a hard time just tossing these no longer
wanted wax crayons in the trash..

Here it is the 'old crayon art box'

I had to arrange them according to color
Then I stripped the wrappers
First melt


   Having been inspired by the dripping 
crayons on pinterest...
......I used those crayons over 60 of them

 ~Warm Wax Crayons.....Breath Them In~


Jessi Fogan said...

Seriously, is there anything that evokes childhood as much as the smell of fresh crayons?
Nosy me wants to know, did your heat tool get hot enough to melt them, or did you use something else?
Such a cool project :) Love it!

Sandy H said...

I'm using this as inspiration for projects to do with my granddaughter when she comes to visit soon. Thanks!

Dawn said...

I have no idea how you dreamt this one up, but it is amazing. It makes me feel like I need to go melt some crayons :)

Anonymous said...

I saw your inspiration on Pinterest, too, and the failed ones! Your version is much more creative and fun... bright and pretty, and fairies, of course!

Denise Price said...

Oh wow, you are bringing back great childhood memories! I still think the best Christmas gift I ever got was the "big box" (68 crayons at that time, I think) of Crayolas. It felt like it was too good to be true. I think I was three years old.

Your rainbow melt art is glorious, and I love how you incorporated the fairy wrappers.

Linda Pekrul said...

Ah, crayons! I STILL feel like a little girl when I open a new pack! :) Love this project! I love how you incorporated the wrappers around the edge! Always fun visiting your blog!

Rita Barakat said...

This is so cool----my wheels are turning!!!

Micupoftea said...

Oh my gosh...what fun! <3

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