
Thursday, February 14, 2013

To My Valentine's

"What Color Is Love ?"
 He said to his mother
"Does nobody know? "
"I've tried all the colors,
 from grass to the flowers
from the sky, 
to the clouds..
to the sun up above...
but no one could tell me 
the color of LOVE ?"
'I'll tell you little one..'.
"It's as dark as the night
and as bright as the sun
imagine a color
and LOVE is right there....
LOVE is every color,
everything, everywhere"
"What color is LOVE ?"
'every color , all around...
because nothing else matters
when it's LOVE
that you've found'

                                                           poem by Linda Strachan & David Wojtowycz

P.S. Who love's You Best?


Jessi Fogan said...

Happy Heart Day, Pam :)
I love the BEAUTIFUL photos of your family, and you brought such a smile to my face! I hope you have a wonderful day :)

Anonymous said...

beautiful pictures dear
you know i do

love romeo

2amscrapper said...


Artfully Musing said...

What a lovely family!!!

Rita Barakat said...

Love the pics! great post.

Anonymous said...

so beautiful.....

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