
Monday, March 25, 2013

Stacks and Lists

I read books, dozens of books. Occasionally I have accidentally picked up the same book. So, this year I have decided to write them down in a bedside Book List Journal. To see the tutorial for this visit Scrapbookers Paradise 'Showcase Monday' post today

This is the finished front.
So far since January 1st 2013, I have read over 15 books. Generally I read  fantasy fiction.

I finally read the 'Ink Heart' series by Cornelia Funk. Our house is a house of book stacks.
 "What good books have your read lately?"


Jessi Fogan said...

This is gorgeous, Pam! And so much nicer than how I do mine, on the computer :/ Now I want to make a book too!
I mostly read mysteries & crime fiction...I can't stand scary movies, and I don't like 'horror' but suspense? Apparently my thing. The best book I've read lately is one another blog buddy recommended, "Gone Girl" - blew my MIND with the twists & turns it took!

LeeAnn at Mrs Black's said...

What a grand idea! I read constantly and find that depending upon circumstances in our lives at the time some books stick whereas others fade. Makes sense to keep a list and perhaps record impressions at the time to read when you wish to revisit the books. Am currently rereading Wolf Hall, and The Gunpowder Plot. Heavy, but worth it. Minerva ~

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