
Sunday, March 24, 2013

My Secret Garden

I love to garden and have many
many little pockets and larger pockets where I plant things and grow fairy's.

Welcome to my Secret Garden's

Looking out my back door, A place to sit  in the shade
The shells are from another  garden, carried there by my
sweet Taryn when she was only three or so. 
I keep them on the table
 and I smile and think of her every time
 I see them so carefully lined up. 
We didn't know it then,
 but she has a gift for organizing things.
Thank You Angella for the shells, and Taryn
peony photo
from the back garden.

This is 'Eugene's Garden'
 He was a genorous man and a master granite craftsman
Thank you Les for the Elemental Fairy

Open view with a tag of my 'Fountain of Youth' stone
that is one of the first I ever carved for my garden

'Stone Garden 'off the master bedroom deck
This garden really is about the stones

with tag journaling behind

The glorious Lupines out front

Pretty self explanatory,  They don't last long, 
but are really something to see in their showgirl red dresses 

'Fairy Ring' the primroses came from my sisters garden
in Calgary. I have a small ring of purple and these yellows

'The White Fairy' thanks Joanne

The little Violets that pop up in the most unexpected places.
And I don't remember the name of the other flower, But they
grow in the old suitcases out back.


Halle said...

Such a pretty little book.

...the yorkshire fox... said...

...wowzers Pam you have been busy, your book is delightful, full of gorgeous gems created by your own hand, how wonderful to look back at your work, love that butterfly on the cover, just beautiful, your posting today has been a visual treat...Melxx :)

SueB said...

Hi. You commented on my blog: and I jumped right over here to see your work. Let me tell you- I am stunned at your amazing work! You are so very creative! I love everything I have seen so far. Sue

Sandi McLean said...

What a sweet collection to look at! Just came by to say hello and became enchanted..hugs,

Emily Keaton said...

Wow, what an utterly amazing book!! I can't believe all the delightful details you added. This rocks!

Linda Pekrul said...

I love your book Pam, and I also love your garden! It is so beautiful! What a lot of love you have put into it.

Dawn said...

Your book is stunning, Pam! Your garden is beautiful and I love how you've tucked away your journalling tags. Really gorgeous details and graphics.

Hugs, Dawn

Anonymous said...

nice stuff my dear

love romeo

Jessi Fogan said...

Oh Pam, this is amazing! Not just the book to commemorate it, but the beautiful memories in your gardens. And did you say you carved stones?? Incredible. You are truly a woman of many talents :) I love the idea of using envelopes as the pages, so that you can tuck all these bits inside. Wonderful :)

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